Proud Global partner of UNESCO

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention

A large number of tertiary education students, as well as staff employed by universities and colleges, abuse alcohol and drugs. Also, new social environments for first-year students often introduce substances like alcohol and drugs.

24-Hour Crisis Helpline

Higher Health provides robust support for students grappling with drug and substance abuse issues, recognizing the critical impact these can have on both their academic journey and overall well-being. We offer a 24-Hour Crisis Helpline on 0800 36 36 36 to support students facing challenges with drug and substance abuse.


Our Research

HIGHER HEALTH’s research has found that

of students at universities reported being drunk or abused alcohol in the last month
of TVET college students reported being drunk or abused alcohol in the last month
of TVET college staff abuse alcohol on a regular basis (2014)
of males and 20% of females had engaged in binge-drinking in the month preceding the survey.

STRIVE Research Consortium

A research synthesis produced by the STRIVE Research Consortium in 2019 underscores the association between alcohol and HIV and other individual and social harms.

It advises that addressing harmful alcohol use in high HIV prevalence countries such as South Africa has the potential to help curtail the spread of HIV nationally, and reduce the impact of other structural drivers of the HIV epidemic, such as GBV.

24-Hour Crisis Helpline - CLICK TO CALL