In today’s world, it is easier for young people to get initiated early into harmful activities such as alcohol and drug use, crime, and other social ills due to an increase in internet access, social pressures, and access to funds. While civil society and government have introduced several interventions for youth health safety, it is apparent that the fight against substance abuse and addiction needs a multisectoral collaboration now more than ever. This means that everyone should be involved in the battle against substance abuse and all sectors need to consider ways in which youth can be educated, empowered, and given alternative ways to stay entertained and social without the need to use substances.
Every student has a voice and a part to play in saying NO TO DRUG USE. Abstaining and delaying use of substances can help to reduce risks such as cancer, heart issues, accidents, academic failure, financial loss, and family conflicts.
Substance abuse : What you need to know
Substance abuse refers to the harmful use of illegal drugs, prescription medication or over the counter drugs and alcohol.
Warning signs : Self-check
Sudden mood changes. Abandoning social, academic and personal responsibilities. Unexplained changes in personality and attitude.
Youth safety Prevention
Awareness about drugs and alcohol is a good way to understand the risks involved. Young people should err on the side of abstaining from any substance use for better health outcomes.