Proud Global partner of UNESCO

Mental Health

Young adults are considered to be the most at-risk group for mental health. As per WHO, 75% of cases of mental health manifests before the age of 25. Nearly half of all deaths in the 15-24 year age group are due to interpersonal violence, suicides and accidents. At Higher Health we recognize the importance of mental-wellbeing in the holistic development of students.…

Did you know!

About one in eight people in the world live with a mental disorder. Mental health is a major pandemic and is rated among as one of the most fast spreading pandemics across the globe while one fifth of South Africans will experience a depressive disorder at least once during their life.

It is estimated over a billion people around the world, live with a diagnosable mental health disorder (WHO).

Mental Health 

of South Africans suffer from common mental health problems and 2% of the population assessed have severe mental disorder.

Mental Illness

50% of all mental illnesses begin by the age of 14.
75% in the mid-20’s
(a study by University of Stellenbosch)

Mental Disorder

of University students experience a mental disorder (a study by University of Stellenbosch)


South Africans commit suicide every day. Suicide is a major cause of death among young people which affects their families from all countries and contexts, and all ages.

How we can assist

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HIGHER HEALTH Mental Health prevention interventions were provided to 321 004 students from January 2021 to June 2023 aimed towards fighting stigma and taboos around mental health challenges.


HIGHER HEALTH Psychosocial Support Counselling Unit equipped with experienced psychologists and counsellors supported
23 450 students through therapies and mental health treatment from January 2021 to June 2023.
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HIGHER HEALTH encourages every South African student to use the HIGHER HEALTH 24-hour Crisis helpline on 0800 36 36 36. This can really save student’s life at any time during the day and night. 
Students are kindly urged to make use of the 24-hour service that connects students to our professional psychologists and counsellors at no cost.
Click here for 24-hour Support

Our Programmes

Higher Health also works with students from the LGBTQ+ community, survivors of GBV and general student and staff and supports them with their health and psycho-social needs. We are equipped with mobile clinics, nurses, community health and wellness practitioners, psychologists and peer educators, to provide support to students, and arm them with knowledge to build their resilience.

Higher Health offers a credit bearing Mental Health Skills programme which is part of the comprehensive Civic Education curriculum which was recently launched in partnership with the QCTO and HWSETA. This programme is an online NQF Level 5 Programme – a first of its kind in Africa.

The programme’s co-curriculum is designed to address the many personal and social challenges facing youth, and the world, today.

Additionally, the online programme covers six modules, one of which is the Mental Health module.