Reports and Publications to Download
Our Annual Reports for download:
Our publications for download:
DHET GBV Policy Framework
HIV Pamphlet
GBV Pamphlet
Focus Areas Poster
First Things First Poster
GBV Poster
Mental Health Poster
Peer-to-Peer Poster
HIV Curriculum Integration – University Narratives, HEAIDS 2018
Evaluation of Critical Diversity Literacy Workshops 2015-2017, HEAIDS 2018
HEAIDS Future Beats Impact Evaluation 2017
HEAIDS Annual Review Report 2016
HEAIDS Annual Review Report2015
Baseline/Situational Study:Towards understanding HIV and AIDS teaching and learning at TVET colleges, 2015
Desktop Review: HIV and AIDS curricular responses in the Higher Education sector, 2015
HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of students and staff at TVET colleges in South Africa, 2014 (full publication)
HIV/AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of students and staff at TVET colleges in South Africa, 2014 (abridged version)
National Student Sexual Health, HIV Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour Survey, focusing on student men who have sex with men at 14 Higher Education Institutions, 2014
HESA: HIV/AIDS in the Higher Education Sector
HESA: Roles of Educators in Mitigating the Impact of the HIV (full)
HESA: HIV/AIDS in Teacher Education CS4
HESA: Creating space for HIV/AIDS in the curriculum
HESA: Development and Implementation Support for HIV/AIDS Workplace Programmes
HESA: International and Local Good Practice in Workplace
HESA: A Guide to Implementing HIV/AIDS Workplace Programme
HEAIDS: Investigation of Graduate Competency
HEAIDS: Good Prevention Practice
Crucial conversations for peers: A fresh approach
Our Policies for download: